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Chatbot for accessing company documentation

by | AI

Wouldn’t you like to have a virtual assistant that can instantly locate a piece of documentation data by asking a simple question, even verbally? For example, to solve urgent problems or find information about products or services scattered in multiple documents. And get a direct answer, without having to search for the right document, find the exact section and chapter, and finally the table with the data you need.

In the modern digitization journey, companies and professionals can make any amount of information and technical documentation easily accessible and usable. The solution lies in artificial intelligence tools and particularly in intelligent chatbots, which can understand users’ questions and answer them quickly and accurately.

I servizi di chatbot innovativi e personalizzati semplificano l’accesso alla documentazione aziendale. They enable employees and customers to get the information they need quickly and independently, without overburdening service and support departments.

Example 1: Chatbot for promotion and sales support

Imagine you have a virtual agent dedicated to promoting and supporting your product or service solutions. This virtual assistant, based on your instructions and data, becomes able to instantly answer your potential customers’ questions at any time. ti. It could provide clear and concise information about the products, their benefits and how to purchase them.

For example, a customer might ask the chatbot, “What are the main features of your order management system?” By analyzing the question, the chatbot would be able to extract the relevant information from the technical and sales documentation and present it to the customer in a clear and concise manner, providing the exact link to the source so that it appears completely credible. It could also answer questions on additional points of detail, initiating an intelligent conversation with the user. This could speed up the sales process, improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of conversion to customer.

Example 2: Chatbots for troubleshooting

Customized chatbots can also be useful in more technical areas, such as troubleshooting. Imagine having a customer service chatbot that can guide your customers or technical staff in diagnosing and solving problems.

For example, a technician might ask, “How can I replace the ABC power module in the XYZ control system? The chatbot analyzing the request can retrieve the replacement procedure from the technical documentation and immediately present it to the technician in the field. This would reduce troubleshooting time, improve customer satisfaction, and increase the efficiency of operations.

Privacy and personalization

State-of-the-art chatbots operate over the network and use powerful language models. A key aspect to consider is protecting access to the chatbot, which must be within the boundaries of the public or private domain you wish to apply. In addition, custom chatbots should not upload private data to networked language models, keeping the client data separate from the language engine used to communicate.

Within this security framework, the chatbot must be programmed to operate in a task-focused manner as assigned. This is also to avoid out-of-context responses that could compromise results and confidentiality of information.


Personalized chatbots are an innovative and effective solution for simplifying access to business documentation and improving the employee and customer experience. Whether in sales, research and development, or support, these virtual assistants can provide quick and targeted responses, increasing the efficiency of operations and satisfaction of all types of users.

For any volume of documentation, there is no shortage of technical solutions available today, and their cost is so affordable that you might be really surprised. The real issue that should not be overlooked is accurate content management. Flowoza has all the experience needed to create high quality customized solutions. See for yourself >here< an example in our own chatbot solution.

To learn more about how our chatbots can transform your company’s communication, contact us today. We would be happy to walk you through our solutions in detail and discuss your specific needs.

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